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Quake Wiki

This article appeared in Quake  

The House of Chthon is the seventh and last level of Dimension of the Doomed. It consists of a large pool of Lava surrounded by corridors and a series of catwalks. At its two opposing ends are a small balcony with the first Rune on it, and a deep shaft leading to the Exit Gate.

Suspended above the pool is a large device that can produce a powerful electrical discharge called an Electric Terminal. The Electric Terminals can be moved down, in order to zap the fearsome guardian that emerges from beneath the lava's surface, Chthon.

This is the last map of shareware Quake, and one of the shortest levels in the game. The player must collect the Rune and defeat Chthon to gain access to the portal and complete Episode 1.

Quick Level Completion

  • Take the Rune straight ahead.
  • Go around either side to the elevator.
  • Go to the left or right Floorplate at the top.
  • Run to the other Floorplate.
  • Run to the Floorplate in the middle.
  • Drop to the new platform below.
  • Drop into the hole in the middle to the exit room.



E1M7 - The House of Chthon

Take the Rune in front of the player and Chthon will rise out of the pool of Lava. Take either the left or right hand path around the pool and grab a 100 Health before riding the lift to the second floor. Activate the two Floorplates to either side of the arena to lower the Electric Terminals. Dodge Chthon's Lavaballs as you do this. Activate the Floorplate at the far end of the arena to activate the Electric Terminals and electrocute Chthon. Chthon will sink back into the Lava, and a platform will slide out on the first floor below the Floorplate that makes the Electric Terminals fire electricity. Fall down the hole in the wall next to the middle of the platforms to arrive next to the Exit Gate. As you step through, 12 Shamblers and 8 Zombies will die in a celebratory fashion that resembles confetti.

Differences from Easy to Normal

Differences from Normal to Hard/Nightmare


Type Count Notes
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Zombie 0 (8) 0 (8) 0 (8) 8 Zombies in an area inaccessible to players, die upon completion
Shambler 0 (12) 0 (12) 0 (12) 12 Shamblers in an area inaccessible to players, die upon completion
Chthon 1 1 1
Total 1 (21) 1 (21) 1 (21)


Episode Completion

As the corpse of the monstrous entity Chthon sinks back into the lava whence it rose, you grip the Rune of Earth Magic tightly. Now that you have conquered the Dimension of the Doomed, realm of Earth Magic, you are ready to complete your task in the other three haunted lands of Quake. Or are you? If you don't register Quake, you'll never know what awaits you in the Realm of Black Magic, the Netherworld, and the Elder World!

—End of Shareware

As the corpse of the monstrous entity Chthon sinks back into the lava whence it rose, you grip the Rune of Earth Magic tightly. Now that you have conquered the Dimension of the Doomed, realm of Earth Magic, you are ready to complete your task. A Rune of magic power lies at the end of each haunted land of Quake. Go forth, seek the totality of the four Runes!

—First Rune Collected




E1M7 - The House of Chthon (Deathmatch)

Spawn Locations


  • American McGee had designed this level to be an experiment, placing various scripts to test the functionality of various features of the engine. McGee was attempting to add some variation to the game by experimenting with a puzzle-solving element, "making the player do things other than just shooting enemies in the face". After the initial design, it was decided to make this level into a boss fight. [1]


External Links

E1M6: The Door to Chthon Quake Levels Introduction
