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Satan's Dark Delight is the fourth level of The Netherworld. The level is larger than the previous ones and features several different types of architecture. Near the start is a large pool of Water and a series of walkways and rooms above it. Another major feature is a series of platforms that the player has to jump across near the end of the level, shooting Buttons along the way in order to raise more platforms. There are several Lava pools as well, and they should be avoided.

This level brings back the Rotfish and the Shambler for easy difficulty. Somewhere within it is the hidden exit to the episode's secret level via the use of a Wind Tunnel.

Quick Level Completion

  • Go down the stairs and drop through the Door to the left.
  • Swim up to the next Door, then follow the corridor to an Elevator.
  • At the top, follow the corridor to a Button.
  • Press the Button, and follow the newly raised corridor to another Button.
  • Press the Button and follow the corridor behind you until you reach an Elevator.
  • At the top, follow the corridor to a hole.
  • Drop through the hole and step on the platform.
  • The Moving Platform will start its motion, stand and wait.
  • Shoot the Button when the Moving Platform starts going to the right, a wall will lower for a minute to crush anything in the room before raising.
  • Wait for the Moving Platform to reach that platform before temporarily stopping, get off and follow the corridor to another Moving Platform.
  • Turn around and shoot the Button on the floor.
  • Get off when it reaches the opposite side, then get on the Moving Platform to the right.
  • Get off when the Moving Platform reaches the opposite side and go onto the Elevator.
  • At the top, follow the corridor to the right until you reach a hole with a Teleporter.
  • Go through the Teleporter and follow the corridor to the exit.
  • If you wish to go to the secret exit, drop onto one of the small platforms beside the stairs.
  • Drop to the Wind Tunnel in the middle of the Lava underneath the stairs to reach the exit room.



E3M4 - Satan's Dark Delight

Collect the two 25 Health, one in the left passageway, and one in the right. Kill the Ogre in the left passageway. The end of the corridors; the left, right, or straight all meet in the next room. Collect the Nails and two 15 Health. Take the platform on the right to get to the third floor. To the right is a Barred off corridor with the Rune Gate at the end. Kill the Ogre through the Bars. Drop back to the first floor. To the left is a Door that moves to reveal Water below. Swim into the next corridor, and go up to swim through another Door. Swim right and kill the 2 Rotfish. Swim to the top of the Water and kill the Scrag. Dive once again into the Water and continue swimming to the right to collect Nails. Swim straight down the next corridor, and turn left. Collect the Rockets to the left and the four 15 Health to the right. Swim left at the end of the corridor once more, and swim at the end to a Door that reveals an Elevator and an Ogre behind. Go up the Elevator to dry land above. Turn right, collect the Nails, and kill the Ogre. Turn right and collect a 25 Health at the end. In the middle of the corridor is a doorway to the right with a narrow alcove overlooking the Water with a Button to the left. Kill the Ogre on the platform that slides out across the Water. Cross the platform through the newly opened Wall. Collect the two 15 Health, 25 Health, and Rocket Launcher. The Doors to the left and right are locked so go straight across the room onto the next platform. Kill the 2 Zombies on the alcove to the left and collect the Shells. Kill the 2 Zombies back on the right alcove and collect the Yellow Armor. Return to the platform in the middle of the alcoves and go through the doorway. Collect the Cells at the end and turn left. Kill the Ogre that jumps from an upper alcove and the Ogre down the ramp in the next room. Collect the Nails and press the Button. Kill the Ogre that spawns and jumps from the platform above. Follow the room out of the other ramp room to the left of the Button. Turn around past the ramp and shoot the yellow Button (#1). Collect the Cells at the end of the corridor and turn left. The Button earlier opens the left and right Doors of the central platform room. Cross both and press the Button to the left of the Elevator to raise it. Collect the Nails in the next corridor at the top, and turn around to kill the Ogre that drops down. Continue down the corridor and collect the Super Nailgun, 25 Health, and Shells.

Drop down to the room below at the end. Kill the Ogre on the platform you are on, and the Ogre on the platform above. Collect the two 25 Health to the left. If you fall into the Water in this area, return simply by the Teleporter located under this platform, to return to this platform. Walk onto the Moving Platform to start the movement of the Moving Platforms in this area. After the upper platform where the Ogre was, turn left, kill the Ogre, and shoot the Button. The Moving Platform will momentarily stop at a pair of locked Doors that will open a minute or so after you shoot the Button. Kill the Ogre past the straight doorway, and go through the right doorway into a corridor. Turn right and collect the two 25 Health and Nails. Step on the Elevator at the end to return to the first platform. The Moving Platform returns to this room evenually, and after the momentary stop, will take a left down another corridor. Shoot the Button at the end to release a Wall which comes down and crushes an Ogre through the bars. The Moving Platform will turn right around a pole; drop down at this point onto a platform with a 15 Health and 25 Health. A Wall opens up behind them to reveal a room beyond (#2). Cross the room into another room, and in the next room collect a 25 Health, a Quad Damage, Yellow Armor, Cells, Nails, and 100 Health. Shoot the four lights in this room to open a Wall to the right (#3). Take the Elevator at the end to return to the double doorway intersection on the platform route.

Return to the Moving Platform, and continue until it stops once more at the crushing Wall room. Turn left in the room and go through the next doorway. Collect the Shells to the right, and turn left. Follow the corridor to the end with another Moving Platform, started by turning around and shooting the Button on the floor while on the platform. This also raises a large platform to the left of the first platform, which the newly raised platform is where the Moving Platform will take you. Turn right and step on another Moving Platform to go to the final room of this area with another platform. Kill the Zombie and collect the Nails, 25 Health, and 15 Health; then go through the newly opened doorway and press the Button at the end to raise the Elevator. At the end the Door open up to reveal 2 Ogres past. Collect the three 25 Health in the room. A Button on the floor by the double Doors allow the Elevator to rise again if you have any reason to go back. Shoot the yellow light in the far right corner to open a Wall (#4). Go through the left doorway and collect the Rocket. Turn left and collect the Quad Damage at the top of the stairs. Kill the Shambler as you go down the stairs. Collect the Thunderbolt at the bottom. Collect the four 25 Health, two on the left and two on the right. If you wish to exit to E3M7: the Haunted Halls, beware the Lava on the sides of the stairs and drop to the thin platform on either side by the Lava. Drop into the Wind Tunnel in the middle of the Lava to get to the Exit Gate. If instead you wish to exit to E3M5: the Wind Tunnels, drop down to the floor below. A platform allows you to get back to the top floor if for any reason you wish to return. Go through the Teleporter to return to the third floor of the starting room. The Bars at the opposite side are now open, so go to the Rune Gate.

Differences from Easy to Normal

Differences from Normal to Hard/Nightmare


In the double-ramped room, go up the second room and shoot the yellow Button behind you. Stairs will slide out allowing you to get to the platform 2 Ogres on two occasions came from earlier. Collect the two 25 Health, Nails, and Rockets.
Drop down as the Moving Platform goes around the pole to get to a lower platform with a Wall that lowers to reveal another room. Cross the room into another room, and in the next room collect a 25 Health, a Quad Damage, Yellow Armor, Cells, Nails, and 100 Health. Take the Elevator at the end to return to the double doorway intersection on the platform route.
Shoot the four lights in (#2) to open up a Wall to the right with a Pentagram of Protection inside.
In the eight square light room, shoot the yellow light in the far right corner to open a Wall beside with a Pentagram of Protection inside.


Type Count Notes
Easy Normal Hard/Nightmare
Rotfish 2 (4) 3 (6) 4 (8) The vanilla engine counts each Rotfish as 2 enemies.
Zombie 5 6 7
Scrag 1 2 2
Ogre 16 22 26
Fiend 0 1 3
Shambler 1 1 1
Total 25 (27) 35 (38) 43 (47)


  • The player can Rocket Jump or Grenade Jump from the start of the second Water room to the middle platform. The player can repeat to jump from the middle platform to the exit platform of the second Water room.



E3M4 - Satan's Dark Delight (Deathmatch)


Spawn Locations

  • First platform of second Water room
  • Right passageway from start
  • Left passageway from start
  • Corridor leading to central platform of first Water room
  • Corridor leading to prior Shambler staircase
  • Corridor after crushing Wall room

External Links

E3M3: The Tomb of Terror Quake Levels E3M5: The Wind Tunnels
E3M7: The Haunted Halls
